

Our Services


At Omnispeak, we specialize in providing accurate and reliable translation services tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you are a multinational corporation expanding into new markets or an individual seeking to communicate with clients worldwide, our team of expert linguists is here to assist.

What We Offer:

General Translation: Our team is proficient in translating a wide range of documents in different fields including but not limited to legal, technical, cyber, environmental, economic, social, and religious. We ensure that your message is conveyed clearly and accurately in the target language, while rendering the same impact and intent.
Legal Document Translation: Legal or official documents require a high level of precision and accuracy. Documents such as visa application papers, notary public official papers, contracts, agreements, court and corporate documents, among others, require our official stamp as sworn translators.
Our Services


At Omnispeak, we understand the importance of effective communication in diverse settings. Our interpretation services are designed to bride cultures and facilitate communication between different speakers, ensuring clarity and accuracy in every interaction.

What We Offer:

Conference Interpretation: Whether you are holding a local, regional or international conference, a business meeting, or a diplomatic event, our experienced interpreters are here to help. We provide simultaneous, consecutive, or whispered interpretation services to facilitate effective communication and understanding among participants and attendees.
Court Interpretation: Legal proceedings require precise and accurate interpretation to ensure that all parties involved comprehend the proceedings. Our court interpreters are experts in the field, and able to provide neutral and accurate interpretation during depositions, hearings, trials, and other legal proceedings.
We also offer consecutive and whispered interpretation.
Our Services

Proofreading and Editing

At Omnispeak, we recognize the importance of polished and error-free content in conveying your message effectively. Our proofreading and editing services are designed to refine and enhance your written materials, ensuring clarity, accuracy, and professionalism.

What We Offer:

Proofreading: Our experienced proofreaders meticulously review your documents to correct grammatical errors, punctuation, spelling, and syntax. We ensure that your content is free from typos and inconsistencies, enhancing its readability and professionalism.
Editing: In addition to proofreading, we offer comprehensive editing services to improve the overall quality of your written content. Our editors focus on refining the structure, coherence, and clarity of your documents, while ensuring that your message resonates with your target audience.
We offer editing services for a diverse range of documents, including but not limited to business reports, proposals, academic papers, theses, marketing materials, advertisements, website content, blog posts, legal documents, and contracts. Our experienced editors carefully review and refine your written materials to ensure clarity, coherence, and professionalism across all document types.
Our Services


At Omnispeak, we harness the power of effective communication in audiovisual content. Our voice-over services are crafted to elevate your multimedia projects with professional and captivating voice recordings in multiple languages.

What We Offer:

Multilingual Voice-Overs: Whether you are producing commercials, e-learning modules, corporate videos, documentaries, or video games, our talented voice-over artists can deliver captivating performances in a variety of languages and accents.
Customized Voice Selection: We understand that every project has its own unique tone and style. Our voice-over artists offer a diverse range of voices and tones to match the specific requirements of your project, ensuring that your message resonates with your target audience.
We serve a wide array of industries, including advertising and marketing, education and e-learning, corporate communications, entertainment and media, and gaming and animation. Our meticulous process ensures exceptional quality and precision in every project we undertake.
Contact us to explore our top-notch services and to receive the high-quality services that you are seeking.